03 March 2025

Use the EMA Commands Ribbon

The EMA Commands ribbon contains the following function buttons specific to EMA.

EMA Commands ribbon

These buttons are described in the following table.

This button Does this...
Schedules Opens the EMA Process Schedules screen.

Allows you to open one of the following screens:

  • EMA Process Updates Tracking
  • EMA Process Upload Tracking
  • EMA Process Pending Tracking
Management Opens the EMA Management screen.

Tracking status filter

Tracking status filter button

Allows you to filter tracking records by status (for example: Completed).

Tracking time frame

Tracking time frame button

Allows you to filter tracking by a specified time frame.

Tracking actions

Tracking actions button

Allows you to refresh, cancel, rerun, resume or cancel terminated tracking records.

Filter by year

Filter by year button

Allows you to select the EMA year.

The default can be defined using the The funding year that EMA should process institution setting.

Filter by week

Filter by week button

Filters by EMA week.
Learner Search Opens the Learner Search.
Generate Payments Generates payments for the selected learner.
Generate Bonuses Generates bonuses for the selected learner.
Submit Payments Submits payments with a status of 'Not submitted' or 'Rejected'. This is used for when the 'Auto process completed weekly payments' institution setting is set to 'N'.
Refresh (in the Admin group) Refreshes the records.
Add Group Adds a group.
Add Learners to Group Displays the EMA Group Learner Search window, where you can search for and add learners to the group.
Duplicate Duplicates the selected record.
Delete Deletes the selected record.
Discard Changes Discards your changes.
Create Schedule

Allows you to create a schedule. Select from the following:

  • Create Process Schedule
  • Create Upload Schedule
  • Create Process Pending Schedule

Run (Task) Now

Run (Task) Now button

Allows you to run a schedule. Select from the following:

  • Run Process Schedule
  • Run Upload Schedule
  • Run Process Pending Schedule